Sunday, November 30, 2008

Last blog...

Finally rounding the last bases... I have added more color, and decided to have some somewhat perplexing action going on. I wanted to continue with the egg theme. The character tips his hat, irritating the hat, which has now turned into a cane-eating monster. The monster bites and swallows his cane. As the hat eats the cane, the character's right arm extends into sort of a blob, which breaks off of the character's arm, and falls off onto the ground plane. When the piece hits the ground, it breaks through the ground, opening up a manhole of sorts. The hat jumps into the manhole, and soon the character becomes a piece of gum that gets sucked into the manhole as well. Then, the manhole morphs mysteriously into the egg. The egg rolls to stage left and then upstage and out of sight. I've been basically continuing with hours of the same kind of thing that I did before. The process has put my arm to sleep on a number of occasions. I can't wait to do another project like this in the near future. All I have left to do before tuesday is put some little finishing touches on it, and that's it!

Oh and another thing- the blogspot site isn't letting me upload my video right now! THis is
driving me nuts! Stay tuned...

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